Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Welcome to the Subversive Blog!

We at the Subversive Theatre Collective of Buffalo, NY welcome you to our new home in cyberspace. In addition to our regular web site, this blog allows us to open a dialogue with the people: here we can share our news and hear yours, leave our comments on performances, news, and events, and get your feedback on the same.

Here is a space where you can speak up, act out, and talk back to us about our performances, events, mission, manifesto, or anything that generally gets your blood boiling and your back prickling. Have an idea for us? Let us know! Seen a performance recently? Let us know what you think! Loved it? Hated it? Lay it on us, we're ready.

As the voice of the people's theatre, we exist to give you a say in the state of things. So let us hear you! We want to know what you want, and this is the place to do it.

So take off your shoes, hang up your hat, and stay awhile. Browse our links, wander around our pages, and get a taste of what the Collective is all about. Most of all, check back often! We will be updating regularly with performance information, news and events, announcements and general observations on the world we occupy.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. but one is more likely to find abandoned buildings with empty marquess that often resemble the rusted prows of old ships.https://medium.com/@theatregal

  3. I look forward to reading more updates from you.


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